Imagine striving to believe something for over 30 years, but your “light switch” just isn’t turning on.  The doubt, the fear, all building up for decades...until it finally culminates to a final, decisive act!  How did it happen?  What would you do?  Why does it have to be this way?  

It’s time to unpack some details!  We’re taking it back to Nick Snapp’s old stomping grounds: the original 4-HOUR Miracles & Atheists LIVESTREAM!  

We’re re-releasing an important conversation that Nick had with worldwide evangelist, Brian Essary, and positive atheism advocate, Janet Reyes. 

Janet Reyes is a former Southern Baptist Women’s Minister who just recently came out as an atheist after 30 years of being involved with the Church. She’s a research grant writer for a preeminent research university and has been grant writing for 18 years, and Janet has spent time volunteering for the Atheist Community of Austin serving on their Social Media Committee. 

Representing the Christian perspective is Evangelist, Brain Essary.  Through his mass miracle crusades and networking with church planting programs he has seen over one million people come to Christ and hundreds of national churches planted throughout these villages of India. Brian is motivated by the belief that you can impact a region through a crusade but you will only change a nation through the national ministers. 

It was a lot of fun revisiting this particular livestream.  One of our inspirations for going back through this conversation again because of the interesting challenge Janet posed to Brian at the end of the conversation...bring it!

Email the show: [email protected] Twitter: @miraclesatheist Instagram: @miraclesandatheists Facebook: Watch M&A on YouTube

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