Becky Burgess of Good for the Swole is a pre and post-natal fitness specialist who I found out about through my sister Brooke when I was asking her for recommendations on workouts during and after pregnancy. 

Becky has helped thousands of women like myself with workouts specifically tailored for a woman’s body during and after pregnancy. She focuses on how to really strengthen the parts of your body that will help you during delivery and what will help your body to recover from giving birth. 

In today’s podcast, we really get into things like what actually is your pelvic floor and why is it such a big deal to strengthen it? Is it too late if you’ve had kids a year ago or 4 years ago or 40 years ago? What are some of the most important things to do to prepare for birth? And finally, she talks about how to positively motivate yourself to want to be healthy and strong.

Finally, just remember that your BODY is amazing. It's absolutely incredible and what it's able to do is incredible. Everything your body has gone through – whether you're pregnant or have never had a baby or trying to get pregnant – is absolutely so much more important than how much you weigh or how good you look in a pair of jeans. So having a body that is helping you stand, move, and play with your kids is more than enough for you to be grateful for.

In this episode, you will hear:

How she started in the health and fitness industry How to prepare for birth and keep your body healthy while you’re pregnant Types of exercises to avoid when you’re pregnant and some modifications  It’s important to work on your pelvic floor however you’re delivering your baby Strengthening exercises after delivery How your pelvic floor can impact hip pain or neck and shoulder pain Strengthening your pelvic muscles whether you gave birth four or 40 years ago Your breathwork as the foundation of everything A simple pelvic floor exercise even when you’re just sitting down Remember, you and your body are on the same team. How the stress from exercise prepares you for the stress during delivery Dealing with postpartum stress and challenges physically and mentally

Supporting Resources:

Instagram @goodfortheswole 


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Episode Credits

Produced by Emerald City Productions