Nnekay and James dabble in the reality tv arts by saving many of their weekly conversations for on air. This week, James sent Nnekay little tid bits about his exciting, action packed, and glamours week. Tired of #winelife and #craftlife Nnekay was desperate to hear. James adventures might have included and not limited by Debra Messing, Brooke Shields, bowling, and laser tag. James also teases his up coming interview with Brian Benson (aka Cousin Wonderlette) and his up coming documentary on Dolores Huerta- keep an ear our for an August debut. Nnekay is also briefly upset about the lack of diversity in the new Blade Runner 2049 trailer. In James' Korner, we're talking about the Bracero Program- started in 1942, it was a program to get labor from Mexico to come to America and work to help fill the deficit left by the war. By covering this program, James helps to clarify the continued trend America has by inviting Mexicans to America for labor then turning around and deporting them. This happened during the 1900s, the braceros program, and again today. How can we stop this cycle of xenophobia? In Nnekay's Korner, she is inspired by The amazing Lady Pirate Cheng I Sao, who in the 1800s lead a fleet larger than the Chinese Navy and was one of the most successful pirates ever to exist. So taking Cheng I Sao's cue, Nnekay decides to state some facts about the current position of women in leadership. It might be shocking, but basically it ain't good. We inspire those around us to seek higher positions of power and to support all the Baby Lady Bosses we know. In Quizlet Korner, James decides to bring it back with R&B Pop Princesses! Can Nnekay name that tune?








