This week we are coming in hot, hot and fresh like a Thai Breeze. That's right Nnekay just got back from her Honeymoon in Thailand and she is... SICK, but she managed to have a lot of fun in the sunnnnn. James is on the fast track to Reality Stardom, and also owning the hottest Restaurant IN THE WORLD: Cocktails and Soup and Sandwiches. Did James find love on the Reality Dating Sow? Another question answered: What type of sandwich is James? Let's get to the Korners! First up is Nnekay's Korner where she talks about the Amazing Roxane Gay: Feminist, Activist, Writer, Publisher, Professor, she does it all! Know what else she does? Stands up to giant publishers, Simon and Schuster. In James's Korner he tackles some of the hurdles young girls have to face, why STEM is important and how men can be better feminist. He also tells the tale of his travels to the Women's March in DC. Last up is Recommendation Korner! Nnekay recommends a book, and James has some hot movie picks... annnnnnd goes over how Double Jeopardy DOES NOT stand the test of time. So put on your pussy hats ya'll and enjoy the show!
