Mindstruck! Meditation & Awareness Studio With Elizabeth Deboo artwork

Mindstruck! Meditation & Awareness Studio With Elizabeth Deboo

18 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 5 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings

MIndstruck!...Those Aha moments! Learning, living, growing, and sustaining the practice of mindful awareness opens us to the infinite treasures of health, wealth, love, and happiness. Who knew? But it does! I am your guide for applying the practices of awareness, breath, and meditation. Here at Mindstruck! Meditation & Awareness Studio, we apply it, so you can live it. Making your practice a lifestyle...living a soulful life from the inside out.

Health & Fitness love meditation ahamoments awareness breath breathe happiness health lifestyle mindfulness
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Chatting With Hypnotherapist Diane Ripper. What Does Hypnotherapy Have To Do With Mindful Awareness?

July 10, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour - 59.8 MB

What do you know about Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy? Diane tells her inspiring second act story of how she went from being a an English Teacher with a MFA degree in creative writing to a Hypnotherapist, Cranial Sacral Therapist, and now studying to be a massage therapist. In this episode Diane demystifies Hypnosis and assures us that we DO NOT need to worry about clucking like a chicken when we come see her for a session. Listen in, I think you will be fascinated. Don’t forget to subscribe to get...

Expressing Ourselves as Spirit Through Our Humanity…

July 03, 2019 11:00 - 49 minutes - 45.2 MB

Hey this is a special episode today. I’m hiking and podcasting at the same time. I do my best work in the forest and you get to come with me to the forest this time. You’ll here me breath…and that’s a good thing!! Breath is our life force. You’ll hear the bird song and you’ll hear me talk all about how humans are here to express ourselves and relate to each other. You are spirit. You are spirit living in a human body. I think we humans kind of have it backwards. I’ll share how I think you ca...

Chatting With Spirit Medium Christine Varnum

June 26, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour - 61.5 MB

Learn about Christine, how and when she became a Spirit Medium, her Life Coach expertise and how she combines the two to empower her clients. Listen in as Christine describes mediumship as exercising a muscle, feel it to heal it, and getting out of comfort zones. Don’t forget to subscribe to get notifications of published episodes and bonus episodes that come out. If you have something nice to say about this podcast please leave a review. This helps those who don’t know about me, to find me....

Gifts Of The HEART - The Practice of Living Heart Based Qualities

June 19, 2019 11:00 - 57 minutes - 52.3 MB

Living a heart-based life is all about giving, receiving & inner peace through heart. Easier said than done sometimes, right? In this episode I talk all about using meditation and biofeedback to help, things that get in the way of living a heart based life, how a meditation practice can help you get, stay or get back to your heart as home base. I touch on manifesting through heart qualities and ultimately creating your Heart Based Life. Join me! Don’t forget to subscribe to get notifications...

BREATH WORK...Healthy & Calm States of Being, Be Your Best Self, Live Your Best Life!

June 12, 2019 11:00 - 36 minutes - 33.7 MB

Tune in to episode #14 Breath Work is a general term which describes any type of therapy that utilizes breathing exercises to improve mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being.  It is the conscious engagement and at times controlling of breath to influence the nervous system inducing a calming state. Join me in this episode as I unpack the benefits, the how, the why, some research, and very practical application of Breathwork as a key to happy, healthy, calmer states of existence...

Sound Therapy & Sound Medicine…

May 21, 2019 04:30 - 52 minutes - 48.5 MB

Tune in to episode #13 to hear how sound therapy works, the implications of sound healing on body tissue, and how it transform and facilitates healing bringing ease for the big hitters of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep challenges.  Peace In~ Peace Out  

Mindful Awareness…Applying It To Structure, Function, and Health, Circumventing The Stress Response

April 19, 2019 14:17 - 1 hour - 60.3 MB

In this episode, we are talking about how meditation changes the brain, the benefits of meditation, as well as highlighting the physiology & anatomy of a stress response. You won’t want to miss this… I will talk about how the brain and the body get into a vicious feedback loop starring the big hitters, the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. Even better,  I will give you tools to circumvent stress. As always we will meditate,  shifting the needle from stress to calm.   Peace In ~ Peac...

The What & How of Mindful Awareness And How Chocolate Is Relevant in Creating A Practice Of Meditation

April 11, 2019 04:20 - 59 minutes - 54.3 MB

Today it’s all about the what and the how of Mindful Awareness, pillars of mindfulness in a formal and informal practice, then show you what chocolate can teach us about Mindful Awareness. Stay tuned to the end for two short lead you through two short meditations.  Grab a piece of chocolate and one little raisin, pop your headphones in and join me!  Small changes in habits have a huge impact on the trajectory of your life. Small daily practices create your lifestyle!  Peace In~ Peace Out

Regarding The Brain: The Importance of The Spirit In Which You Do Things …Obligation Breeds Obligation & Joy Breeds Joy

April 02, 2019 18:40 - 52 minutes - 48.1 MB

Join me for a chat and a guided mindful body scan meditation. Learn about the brain and doing things out of obligation with the tendency to over think, judge, and cling to perfectionism. There is typically a negative under current as the obligation narrows thinking and ultimately creates an actual habituated learned aversion toward the activity. For most of us, this has a tendency to lead us into feelings of entrapment and anxiety. It fosters a deficiency in creativity for the activity and o...

Episode #9 Guided Walking Meditation

March 23, 2019 06:16 - 39 minutes - 36.3 MB

Today we are talking all about Walking Meditation... What it is, how to do it, and where to do it. Walking meditations can bring about a whole new experience to your current meditation practice or it can be an effective and friendly way to start a meditation practice if you have yet to form a habit of meditation. Pop your headphones in and I will guide you through two methods of walking meditation that will be sure to inspire a whole new way of experiencing a walk or a hike to reduce stress...

Embodying Our Divinity & Our Humanity

March 04, 2019 09:47 - 20 minutes - 19.2 MB

Bringing our spirit into our body, reflecting and representing us in everything we do. Guided meditation included. 

Interview with Entrepreneur Mira Knight: Life & Business...Living From The Inside Out

March 04, 2019 09:46 - 42 minutes - 39 MB

Mira shares her wisdom as a Life Empowerment Coach, an Energy Intuitive, and an Entrepreneur spanning the course of 30 years. She loves to help people recognize their individual gifts. Here her story and how she lives both her life and her business from the inside out. 

Trying To Clear Your Mind is A Waste of Time

March 04, 2019 09:43 - 43 minutes - 39.9 MB

There are so many preconceived notions about meditation what it is and what it isn’t.  I’m going to be very clear… from my perspective sitting for any amount of time trying to aimlessly clear your head is a total waste of time. Thinking like the spinning beach ball, brain wiring, and your stress response from overthinking.. are gouging your creativity and ingenuity. Join me for depth on these hot topics.

5 Ways To Sky Rocket Your Profits Without Adding To Your Stress

March 04, 2019 09:41 - 29 minutes - 26.8 MB

Today instead of talking about numbers, the external measuring stick, I will to talk about the most important qualitative attributes of your business that are inherent within your business because they are inherent within you. Learn these 5 attributes that come form the inside out. 

This Wildly Successful Entrepreneur Integrates Mindful Awareness Into Her Business

March 04, 2019 09:39 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

Chatting with a stellar student and massively successful entrepreneur, Kristi Knutson co-owner of GK Knutson. She is a devoted student of life who seamlessly integrates Mindful Awareness into her business with amazing results. Find out how!

Sound, Vibration And Cells

March 04, 2019 09:37 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

Using sound as therapy and healing. The healing and therapeutic benefits of sound washing through your body, cells, and particles clears, balances, and restores through vibration and resonance. Learn more about how sound and vibration is the vehicle for healing. 

Being In Front Of The Virus

March 04, 2019 09:36 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

Join me for a quick and effective practice of awareness and inquiry, anchoring through your breath and meditation. By getting curious through meditative inquiry we can gain insights into physical symptoms long before an illness ever sets in. Through awareness and a little practice, we can be in front of the virus!

Get Into Your Body

March 04, 2019 09:34 - 54 minutes - 50.2 MB

Enter and Be in your body living life in the present! Practice and learn how in this episode. When you are not in the present moment,  your nervous system goes into a stress response. In order to live and sustain a happy, healthy life you need to live in the present. Meditation included.