The month I first hit a 10 k month was the same month I had to turn down a huge paid opportunity because I promised my son I would watch his nativity play at his pre school!
I remember trying to make it and change some things around but it wasn’t working out!
I hated letting people down but there was no way I was going to miss my son playing Sidney the cow (I know who knew)!

I made peace with my decision and remember saying to myself - it’s fine something else will come in!

3 days later I was asked to speak at another paid event on a date I could do! Yay!

Then after a day of Christmas shopping I received a message from the Global president of a multi billion company asking me to be her coach!

She had sent a few messages but I hadn’t received them so she tried one last time and it came through!

She paid in full and we started working together the following week!

Just before Christmas I then received a random message again from a lady I didn’t know was following me asking if I had any 1-1 spaces starting as soon as pos!

It felt so easy!

So why am I telling you this…

Well I could have beaten myself up about turning down a big payment to speak right before Christmas and made myself feel bad.

But I CHOSE to trust that something better would come in instead!

I made peace with my decision and let it go. I didn’t let it consume me!

I trusted!

I stayed true to myself - I set my biz up to work around my son and make sure I didn’t miss anything!

And I still hit my goal!

When you are aligned, open and in a place of trust and belief magical things come through - even when it looks like it’s not possible!

These opportunities came through when I was living life and not chained to my desk or business frantically trying to find opportunities to make up for the money I turned down!

There are so many elements that add up to your success and who you BE is one of them!

Instead of hustling frantically I held space for other things to come in. I held space for more.

I didn’t doubt, manipulate or get caught up in the what ifs!

When you’re an energetic match for what you desire - it will always find a way to come to you!