Danny Gutknecht is co-founder and chief executive at Pathways, which helps organizations and people do great work by using innovative models that improve thinking and human behavior. He is also the author of 'Meaning At Work - And Its Hidden Language.' In this book, Danny explores and synthesizes psychology, management theory, and cognitive science to develop innovative approaches that unlock human potential. There is always a tension between culture and profits, paying the bills and being personally fulfilled at work. Danny has been exploring how to tune and resolve the dissonance between the two for over 30 years. His book, Meaning at Work And Its Hidden Language, describes the journey of finding and utilizing methods and models that empower individuals and organizations to wield the power of meaning in the work environment and the rest of their lives.

In this episode, we chat about:

:: how and why Danny became curious about the concept of meaning at work

:: the historical and generational evolution of how we found meaning at work

:: the jobs he personally held and how that journey shaped the path he is currently on

:: how our inner world is responsible for our discord

:: how we evaluate whether our work is meaningful to us

:: what it looks and feels like to finding meaning at work

:: what the biggest obstacles are that keep people from seeking meaning at work

:: the impact that finding meaning at work can have on our wellnesss

You can find Danny online at:


