Hi everyone. Two quick updates for you regarding the MindGames podcast.

1) We’re now entering our long overdue summer break period. We’re really happy with our progress in Season 2: we introduced a new format, tackled some massive topics, and even interviewed some real-life game designers and artists. To make Season 3 even better, we’re going to be taking this time to plan our topics a little more in advance, so if you have anything you’d really like to see please get in touch.

Our normal episodes should resume after our Christmas special in December. We’ll be using this time to try out a few things that don’t normally fit the format of the usual monthly episodes, so we'd love your feedback on these episodes.

2) We will eventually be moving the podcast entirely over to our own libsyn website. This gives us more control over how we present our content and will cut down on the costs of running the podcast. If you currently only listen through SoundCloud, make sure you are also subscribed to us over at our libsyn page.

Libsyn link: www.mindgamespodcast.libsyn.com
Libsyn direct RSS feed link: mindgamespodcast.libsyn.com/rss
Got feedback? Comment or email us at [email protected]