#TrickleUp #GeneralStrike #MuteTheMedia

Last month we discussed the planned general strike for July 1st and a couple weeks ago we discussed why we thought it didn’t have the impact to make the national news. Recently emerged in the conversation of general strikes is the October 15th planned General Strike. As detailed by the website OctoberStrike.com people are intending another possible strike. Reasons behind the strike include zero requirements for paid time off for maternity leave, unemployment numbers, 71% of all global carbon emissions being linked to only 100 corporations, federal minimum wage stagnation, 40 million Americans being at or below the poverty line, big Pharma extortions, and the average American being $90,460 in debt just to afford basic necessities like housing, food, clothes, education, and medical bills. The website states “This demonstration serves to show your company, and our country as a whole, that you deserve basic human rights. Your labor is a bargaining tool and you are worth more than what society is offering you.”