Hey guys, sorry we missed last week’s episode, things have been hectic for all three of us. We’re happy to be back with a new…

Hey guys, sorry we missed last week’s episode, things have been hectic for all three of us. We’re happy to be back with a new one this week though! This week’s theme is Books and was chosen by Andy, because it’s the one thing he knows a lot about!  Unfortunately, George does not, and the tables are turned a little bit in their dynamic. It’s a lot of fun!

Follow the guys on twitter as well! @ComicalJC (Justin) @GeorgeTripsas (George, duh) and @PrincessSofiaSU (Andy)

Also, like our facebook page!

Lastly, PLEASE send us your email with questions for “Ask the Nuts”! Email us at [email protected]

Thanks for listening!

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