Previous Episode: Mindfields - Issue 79
Next Episode: Mindfields - Issue 81

Its one of those days that you realize that the superior comic books right now are all indy or DC. Future State is amazing, and why is the Animated Series Batman so superior? Tune in. We got some great comics this week. How bad do Joshua Michael and Morales have a REALLY BAD action figure problem? Hmmmm… Comics reviewed:

Justice League Future State - 2

Spawn 313-314

Dark Detective Future State - 3

Avengers - 42

Robin Eternal Future State - 2

X- Force - 17

This is Dangerous, 

Joshua Michael, Colin, Tony Morales, Sgt. Slikk

As always you can find us for free on Youtube, Amazon Podcasts, Soundcloud, any and all Google or Apple Podcast streamers, Stitcher…i can go on…of even the website. 












