Monday morning! So refreshing! Lets start this week right with a new issue of our comics episodes. I am joined by Tony Morales while Colin is away in parts unknown making movie magic. Big week for us guys. Enjoy the show and hope this starts your week off right.

This is Dangerous,

Joshua Michael, Colin, Tony Morales and Sgt. Slikk. 

Comics Reviewed:

Punchline - 1

Savage Avengers - 14

Nightwing - 76

Death Metal - Infinity Hour Triple XXTREME

Kick Ass Vs Hit Girl 1

Venom - 30

Alien The original Screenplay - 4

As always you can find us for free on Youtube, Amazon Podcasts, Soundcloud, any and all Google or Apple Podcast streamers, Stitcher…i can go on…of even the website.

















