In this episode of The Mind Your Own Dog Busines Podcast, Kristen Lee had the incredible honor to speak to two badass mom dog trainers as their dog training businesses are experiencing astonishing growth during the 2020 pandemic while shifting and pivoting the way they do business. 

These women are rockstars and superwomen!

Lindsay has been a dog trainer for eight years in Canada, and she has the most adorable little girl. Sonia is a mom of two boys, ages 9 & 5, a Chicago-based dog trainer in business for about two years. 

Sonia and Lindsay share their experiences from the moment they KNEW everything was about to change, how they handle running a household with kids, homeschooling/distance learning with young children, and managing their growing dog training businesses.

They also talk about:

The moment they knew shit was about to change as a business owner and momThe tools Grassroots gave them to fuel this and keep growing as a dog training businessThe daily life of running a dog training business both on the training end/client care/service end and family life looks like in realityWhat has been the biggest disruptor in all of this - and how they overcame itThe one thing that they're most proud of the most since this all startedHOW THE FUCK THEY DO IT ALL

Learn more about our supermoms:

Lindsay Somerville - Raven Frost Academy

Sonia Fetherling - Best Of Behavior


Check out more episodes of Mind Your Own Dog Business

Connect with Kristen & Grassroots:


Instagram: @dogwalkercoach
