Dog Biz School is Open for enrollment starting March 28th!

6 + Figures As A New Dog Trainer, Healing Trauma, & Catastrophic Injuries - Ruth's Story

In this episode, Kristen Lee sits down with Ruth Smith Hayter of AZ-Dogs and Dog Biz School's students. Ruth is a complete badass, and it's an honor to share her story with our listeners of the Mind Your Dog Business podcast.

Ruth shares her story of starting, yes, starting a dog training business at the beginning of the pandemic, experiencing rapid growth in her first two years (2021 closing in at 189k!).

Kristen and Ruth talk about:

What it's like hitting six figures so fast as a baby business ownerHow past trauma bubbles up and peaks its ugly head as you grow as a business ownerHow a career-ending injury for most dog trainers didn't make her skip a beat nor affect her business at all Her Grassroots Dog Biz School experience 

Episode Links:

Dog Biz School Website

Instagram - Kristen Lee

Instagram - Dog Biz School