In today's episode of the Mind Your Own Dog Business Podcast, Kristen Lee discusses the way to STOP the insanity of the holiday season.

The big push. The final massive cash injection.

Feast time, baby. Hustle and grind.

If you're not "hustlin'" you're not a good business owner, right?

The other hand – that this is finally it.The finale to already burned out a schedule and overly stressed out dog business.

More expectations to perform, to push personal needs aside. Even less time to set aside to FOCUS on business operations. More staff to manage.All you want to do is survive and get through this. So what if it means another year of reheated holiday dinners or cutting family time short? 

You repeat in your head "just get through this.. just get through this". 

Even if it means waking up to 20 dogs in your house barking vs. the excitement of presents…Every year, you tell yourself it's the last year.

As fast as the holidays came, January hits. Welcomed silence. Rest.

Then scary silence. Crap! Fewer people are spending money.

Then, the Marketing Hustle Trap sucks you in its seductive vortex.

Here's the thing – IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY.

You can have a steady, sustainable, growing dog business without the insanity end of year hustle. A strong, healthy dog business that enables you to have the financial resources year-round without the final push.

It is possible.


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Connect with Kristen:


Instagram: @dogwalkercoach
