Whether speaking at events or touring the world with his metal band, Prison, suicide/abuse survivor Johnny Crowder uses the stage as a platform to explore taboo topics like mental illness and sobriety.
With a keen personal understanding of multiple diagnoses ranging from bipolar disorder and OCD to schizophrenia, Johnny is uniquely equipped to provide creative insight into the pains of hardship with levity and wit.
Johnny's innovative work with Cope Notes provides daily mental health support to thousands of users across the globe.

Connect with Johnny:
Website: www.copenotes.com
Social Media:
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/copenotesInstagram:  https://www.instagram.com/copenotesTwitter:  https://twitter.com/copenotesLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/copenotes

Connect with Scott! 

Scott's Website: https://www.scottsullivan.biz

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