Welcome to another episode of mind the headspace! Bringing you the best in the more eclectic and cerebral side of dallas area electronic music DJs and producers. This is your host Fropsi with some quick important info at the top of the episode. . We have a patreon site up for mind the headspace, which you can find at patreon.com/mindheadspace, thats patreon.com/mindheadspace. If you enjoy the podcast please consider dropping by there to set up a small monthly recurring donation. All donation will go towards things like hosting costs, paying our guests and rolling out some sweet merch. Alternatively you can just PayPal us one time donations at [email protected].  You can find links to our Facebook page as well as info for this weeks guest in the episode description. If you’re a fan of the podcast please consider showing us some love by leaving a review in iTunes which really helps with our visibility and tell your friends about us! Now here’s a recording of Ricky Simpson from our most recent show on June 29th. This is a banging grab bag of house, techno and acid that really set things off, and now you can enjoy it whenever you want! As always, please be sure to share, comment (in tunes please), SUBSCRIBE, download and most importantly, enjoy!




FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/mindheadspace

PATREON: www.patreon.com/mindheadspace