Kris Lovestone - The Conscious Cock

In the wake of #metoo, heterosexual men in committed relationships are clamoring to understand how to reconcile their sexual desires with the awareness of the prevalence of harassment, oppression & abuse of women. This book offers a crash course in upleveling our awareness and sensitivities, communication and relational skills, accurate modern sex education and understanding of how women work and experience arousal. It gives men tools to honor their own inner sexual nature and connect deeply with their female partner while deconstructing oppressive patterns that are toxic to relationship success. By course correcting with the tools presented here, men are able to get more of what they really want sexually from their relationship while simultaneously improving their relationship through authenticity, transparency and integrity. This book gives men a tangible road map to relationship success and satisfaction that fosters harmony and equality in their relationship and engenders healing and equality between the sexes.

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