Doug and Justin get together this week to talk about the cyber attack on Dyn servers in the previous weeks which caused several prominent websites to go down. This was a special day for Justin and his day job. Doug asks if users of technology should be held responsible when hackers take over their equipment for malicious use. How much should consumers be required to know about the technology before they are allowed to use it? Doug and Justin talk about getting older and trying to stay on top of technology so they don’t get left behind. Things are wrapped up with a throw-down with Cyclops vs. Daredevil.

Our good friend, comedian, and overall amazing human James Conklin, passed away recently.  A scholarship has been started in his memory and if you feel like contributing, we highly recommend it. This scholarship will allow a student to attend a summer intensive at iO, with expenses paid. Check out the Generosity page below and donate whatever you can: