Dave Cochrane stops by once again to talk to Justin and Doug about a Kotaku article that reports a game developer, Digital Homicide, suing a video game reviewer, Jim Sterling, for “libel, slander, and assault.” The guys discuss the potential ramifications of such a lawsuit. Doug talks about his most hated modern art exhibit. Dave tells some stories about being a teacher. Dave asks if there is a benefit to game reviewers giving positive reviews. Dave ponders Marvel’s tactics with releasing their reviews for Captain America: Civil War so far in advance and inevitably the discussion turned to thoughts on Batman v Superman and how Marvel and DC have fared in their respective cinematic universes. Things are wrapped up with a throw-down between Jax from Mortal Kombat vs. The Winter Soldier.

Check out Doug’s improv group, Class Act, at www.classactimprov.com for show dates and times and like them on Facebook!