Melissa's new gal pal, Mari, joins her on the mic to tell a story that highlights the importance of Native American Heritage Month. Mari introduces Sacheen Littlefeather, an Apache actress that caused a ruckus at the 1973 Academy Awards by protesting Hollywood's portrayal of Native Americans in the film industry. Melissa tells the story of Lucy Parsons, a radical anarchist that fought for the rights of working-class people and was considered "more dangerous than a thousand rioters".

Wishing you a happy, safe, champagne-filled Thanksgiving! *gobble gobble*


In this episode, we talk about:

Blind dates with new gal palsThe awkwardness of dining at restaurants during a pandemicWine review: La Crema Pinot Noir and Lazy Bones Cabernet FrancThe quirky Madonna Inn hotelSacheen Littlefeather - racism in the 1950s, Occupy Wounded Knee, and the treatment of Native Americans in HollywoodLucy Parsons - the anarchist movement, 8-hour workday protests in the 1880s, and the struggle for free speech in America


The funky Madonna Inn: history of Occupy Wounded Knee: history of the Haymarket Riot:'s Instagram:

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