Two years have passed since the party left for the Feywild and now a  lot has changed in the Material Plane. The Sunken Lord lies dead, and  the true threat to the world of Del'nasra has been revealed as Asmodeus,  the Lord of the Nine Hells.


Noose (Goblin Trickery Domain Cleric) - Played by Garrett (@bliffnut on Twitter)

Henry Lofferton Esquire (Human Hexblade Warlock) - Played by Sam (@D_n_D_n_D)

Eclipse of the Moon (Tabaxi Swashbuckler Rogue) - Played by Kate (@_Kate_Russell_)

Ogden Boon (Half-Elf Divination Wizard) - Played by Caleb

Lea Greenwood (Halfling Circle of Spores Druid) - Played by Brittany


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