Respects were paid to the graves of Mordecai and Roman's family on  Stormrock and the crew found a journal in Roman's home regarding  information about his life, things he uncovered and rumors of Asmodeus's  plans regarding bringing Malsheem into the Material Plane.


Noose (Goblin Trickery Domain Cleric) - Played by Garrett (@bliffnut on Twitter)

Henry Lofferton Esquire (Human Hexblade Warlock) / Ash (Changeling Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian) - Played by Sam (@D_n_D_n_D)

Eclipse of the Moon (Tabaxi Swashbuckler Rogue) - Played by Kate (@_Kate_Russell_)

Ogden Boon (Half-Elf Divination Wizard) - Played by Caleb

Lea Greenwood (Halfling Circle of Spores Druid) - Played by Brittany


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