Deep in the heart of Goleocrann Forest lies the Shade Road which has  been a horrifying endeavor so far, with illusions trying to force the  crew off the path, to strange shadows constantly trailing them. They've  finally arrived at an ancient elvish city known as Dol Shadar, and watch  as the city's protector, a massive Shadow Dragon roosts on a nearby  tower.


Henry Lofferton Esquire (Human Hexblade Warlock) / Ash (Changeling Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian) - Played by Sam (@D_n_D_n_D)

Eclipse of the Moon (Tabaxi Swashbuckler Rogue) - Played by Kate (@_Kate_Russell_)

Baxter Orinstein Von Huxley IV (Human Great Old One Warlock) - Played by Garrett (@bliffnut on Twitter)

Ogden Boon (Half-Elf Divination Wizard) - Played by Caleb

Lea Greenwood (Halfling Circle of Spores Druid) - Played by Brittany


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