NOTE: This episode exists solely as a short, five-minute  audio-recap due to the episode's audio becoming corrupted on the DM's  end during the stream.

Retiring to the Jellied Eel tavern for drinks and relaxation, the  party were surprised when Ogden Boon appeared driven mad by a vase  gifted to him by Eralie, only for him to drop the vase, where a piece of  pulsating flesh quickly grew into the wild haired, nude body of a human  man in his thirties.


Henry Lofferton Esquire (Human Hexblade Warlock) / Ash (Changeling Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian) - Played by Sam (@D_n_D_n_D)

Eclipse of the Moon (Tabaxi Swashbuckler Rogue) - Played by Kate (@_Kate_Russell_)

Baxter Orinstein Von Huxley IV (Human Great Old One Warlock) - Played by Garrett (@bliffnut on Twitter)

Ogden Boon (Half-Elf Divination Wizard) - Played by Caleb

Lea Greenwood (Halfling Circle of Spores Druid) - Played by Brittany