Father Abraham had many sons, and from those sons were born three of the world’s greatest faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While much is made of the differences between and the conflicts that have emerged amidst these groups, the fact that remains that we share common ancestry. So, what are the commonalities of those faiths?…

Father Abraham had many sons, and from those sons were born three of the world’s greatest faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While much is made of the differences between and the conflicts that have emerged amidst these groups, the fact that remains that we share common ancestry. So, what are the commonalities of those faiths? What are their differences? So, it goes like this: “A Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim walk into a radio studio….”  Actually, they did, but it’s not the beginning of a joke, it’s the way we began a great conversation, by inviting Rabbi Sam Gordon, Chaplain Omer Mozaffar, and Dr. Michael Graves to the studio to talk about how the sons of father Abraham begat three faiths, and how those faiths view this world and the next.