There is a bill making its way through California legislation that will legalize street prostitution in California and even more concerning, allow those previously convicted of prostitution or related offenses to have their sentences overturned or dismissed. Almost no one seems to be aware of SB 357 which has passed the Senate and is in the final stages of a vote in the State Assembly.

The fact that few people are aware of it should get your attention. This bill will change the very fabric of our society and our children’s future.

SB 357, authored by California Senator Wiener, repeals Sections 653.20, 653.22 and 653.23 of the California Penal Code, which had defined loitering in a public place for the purpose of engaging in street prostitution and made it a misdemeanor. In plain language, by repealing these sections, it makes street prostitution legal and law enforcement would not be able to intervene whether the behavior is on a street or in a car. The bill would also authorize those convicted of a violation of loitering with the intent to commit prostitution to petition the court for the dismissal and sealing of their case.

The bottom line here is that it leaves almost no restrictions in defining prostitution. In Nevada, where they legalized prostitution in some counties, there are very strict perimeters. The services are in a specified area, the sex workers get regular testing for disease, and the Health Department has regulations and inspections. None of this is true in Senator Wiener’s bill.

Once this bill passes our communities will be changed forever. Pimps from all over the US (and internationally) will be bringing their sex workers to California because law enforcement will not be able to prevent sex workers from soliciting on the street.

Businesses will suddenly find that their regular customers do not want to deal with the sex selling taking place in front of their businesses. Where there is prostitution there are used condoms and drug needles left behind. Children will be exposed to all forms of illicit sex acts. The online sex ads will direct sex buyers to meet on the street where law enforcement cannot touch them. It could be in front of a convenience store, liquor store, school and even your local church.


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