Sextortion - Blackmail based on an illicit photo is one of the most prolific and harmful crimes our young people experience.  It usually starts as a flirt or dare with a stranger in mass audience live streaming apps, chat rooms, dating sites or online video game chat rooms.  Males are equally vulnerable as victims as young females.    

The challenge during Covid is that our kids were introduced to online learning far sooner than most parents would have agreed to equipping their child with technology.  With prepubescent children exposed to the world of underground pedophilia, Million Kids has had record number of cases of online social media exploitation.   The real challenge is that kids are exposed to online pedophilia before they are old enough to understand adult sex and why an older person is playing games with them and most important "Where those illicit photos GO when you hit SEND".    

This week we talk about how to prepare your child with an exit strategy before they go online just in case they fall prey to an exploiter. Most kids think they are playing a game or that the stranger thinks they are special or most often with very young kids (6-7-8)  they simply don't want to get the man in trouble.  

Many kids panic when the blackmail begins and research indicates that 57% of young people will find a way to meet up with their blackmailer BEFORE they will tell an adult.  The result is catastrophic.

Photo Credit: Tima Miroschnichenko


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