In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, Adi Arezzini, shares her story of self-discovery and journey to the fulfillment of her visions, adding more value to the community and attaining a rich life!

Adi Arezzini is the co-founder & CEO of All-Natural Loose Leaf Tea Company, Teami Blends. A company that provides healthy products that comes from natural ingredients. The benefits range from boosting metabolism, raising energy, reducing bloating, aiding in digestion, weight loss, clearer complexion and more!

Adi has a hustler mentality at a very young age. She started her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 9 that she had her first paying job. She sees life as a constant battle and survival. She swore to herself that she had to work to survive. After highschool, College was not an option for her. She needs to get out to the working world and earn even more money to sustain life. Adi was working in a postcard company that she felt a little bit tired with her life. She felt like she has no direction but to survive. She wanted to do something that will give her more purpose.

Later on, she ended up joining the Israeli defense forces. For her, it was the best thing she ever did. She gained an incredible experience being a fitness boot camp instructor for combat soldiers. But towards the end of military service, she got digestive issues and so started looking for holistic solutions. Adi started blending her own high-quality loose leaf tea until she created the perfect formulation to help solve her own digestive issues.

It paves the way to creating Teami Blends company. As a big dreamer,  she wanted to do more than anything and able to help people who suffer from the same issues.  To her, the best way was going out there and doing the actions necessary to make that happen. Building her business, her brand, her team, and pushing out her comfort zone as much as she can.

Countless obstacles come in her way that she even doubts herself if she can resolve the problems. But it’s perseverance through mental discipline that gets her on the other side. Discipline on health and finances, being intentional in life, intentional in business and committed to giving the absolute best products to the community helped him conquer whatever problem comes. It kept her going, growing, pushing, and continuing the path!

Some Questions I Ask: How did you get integrated into this ecosystem world of entrepreneurship? (01:25) Tell us a little bit about the startup of your business and how you’ve progressed to where you at today. (07:42) When did you know that this idea can become a real business? (09:50) What is the landscape of your business look like right now? (11:43) Why keep the fulfillment in the house? (13:22) How do you as a business owner continue to shake up your routine or to challenge with yourself on a daily basis? (14:32) How does mental discipline tie into other aspects of discipline in your life? (16:56) What were some of the biggest things that were holding you down? (20:03) How were you able to balance and manage your definition of a wealthy life? (25:31) What something that you really struggle with that you think you need to improve? (28:37) What is the next level for Adi, your business, and for customers look like? (30:32) In This Episode, You Will Learn: What makes her interested in health and wellness. (03:58) How did Adi find her digestive holistic solutions. (07:07) How did she choose her employees. (12:15) Two factors that make her wanted to grow. (15:19) The why behind her success. (17:16) Adi’s panic attacks. (21:09) Adi last piece of advice. (33:22) Quotes: “I had to work to survive.” “I have to contribute something.” “If I want to make better for myself, I need to go out there and get it.” “I wanted to do something that will give me more purpose. “Passion? Survive.” “I had more energy than ever.” “We do all the fulfillment ourselves.” “I hire the right person for the right job and whoever that is.” “We like to have that agility of making decisions.” “Let me just like push the limit here.” “Sometimes things come out that I was just like had no idea what even fall on my plate ever.” “I want my company bigger all the time.” “A problem gets presented to me that push me out of my comfort zone.” “I’m hyper-obsessed with grows.” “I want my company bigger all the time.” “If I grow big, I can help more people.” “The bigger we get, the more I can pay my employees.” “I’m very pushing out my comfort zone as much as I can.” “Every day is a very wild and interesting day.” “Mental discipline is number one above everything else.” “I want more than anything.” “I’ve never spent money I don’t have.” “I’m very disciplined with my finances.” “I’m creating the future in my mind of what I want it to happen.” “Having the thought is thirst, but then having the actions is so important.” “It’s perseverance through mental discipline that gets you in the other side.” “The bigger you get, the bigger the obstacles.” “The bigger the freedom, the bigger the obstacles.” “The bigger you are, the more you have, the bigger the obstacles.” “If I can do it then I can do it.” “The road does not always short.” “It’s the road to recovery after you hit those setbacks.” “We can all do it no matter who you are.” “Being the business owner is the number one most challenging thing that you will experience in your life.” “Having the idea is easy, keeping it going is hard.” Connect with Adi Arezzini on:








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