Look closely at the heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus, this Christmas.

Most of the time, the episodes we release are designed to help you get better at praying for your children.

But during this sacred season—when the world pauses for just a bit and we reflect on the coming of the Christ—we invite you to focus on your own heart as well. For the next five days, Brooke McGlothlin will share a devotion she wrote called Mary Prayers: 5 Prayers for a Mom's Heart.

Each devotion will take a close look at Mary, the mother of Jesus, exploring what scripture tells us about her, and allowing it to influence the way we think about and look at parenting. We'll look closely at how Mary interacted with Jesus, what qualities of womanhood she needed to fulfill the call God placed on her life, and pray for God to make us more like her.

This study is the perfect way to to get your heart in the right place as you approach Christmas! Download them all at one time, or listen to one each day as you approach the birth of the Savior.

Merry Christmas!

SHOW NOTES: https://www.millionprayingmoms.com/mary-prayers/ MPM ON INSTAGRAM: @millionprayingmoms MPM ON FACEBOOK: @millionprayingmoms She Prays Podcast: https://www.millionprayingmoms.com/she-prays-a-christmas-prayer/ Background Music: David Nevue Piano

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