In this episode of the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Ranjeet Mudholkar, the Principal Coach and CEO at Next League Executive Board LLC - EB1A Transformational Coaching Program. He is also the Chairman of the American Association of Information Technology Professionals, where he has spearheaded over 100 events in the past year, reaching an audience of 25,000+ professionals.

Ranjeey shares his career progression from being a young director at a leading Indian business school to his philosophical evolution following a one-hour conversation with the Dalai Lama. He also details how his personal success is attributed to helping others achieve their best. Additionally, Ranjeet dives into his move to the US for his daughter's education and his shift from academic roles to entrepreneurship

In this episode of the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Ranjeet Mudholkar, the Principal Coach and CEO at Next League Executive Board LLC - EB1A Transformational Coaching Program. He is also the Chairman of the American Association of Information Technology Professionals, where he has spearheaded over 100 events in the past year, reaching an audience of 25,000+ professionals.

In the final part of this episode, Ranjeet discusses his journey of moving to the US with his family for better educational opportunities for his daughters. He also highlights the strong presence of Indian immigrants in the US and how he has transitioned from traditional roles in prestigious institutions to entrepreneurship, focusing on coaching individuals to maximize their potential and help them obtain the EB-1A Visa, aka the Einstein Visa.

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