This week on the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Bill George, an Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School and Author of the True North book. He was a Professor of Management Practice and Senior Fellow at Harvard, teaching leadership from 2004-2022.

Bill is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Medtronic, which he joined in 1989 as President and Chief Operating Officer. Earlier in his career, he was a senior executive with Honeywell and Litton Industries and served in the U.S. Department of Defense.

In 2014, the Franklin Institute awarded Bill the Bower Award for Business Leadership. He was named one of the Top 25 Business Leaders of the Past 25 Years by PBS, Executive of the Year 2001 by the Academy of Management, and Director of the Year 2001-02 by the National Association of Corporate Directors.

This week on the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Bill George, an Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School and Author of the True North book. He was a Professor of Management Practice and Senior Fellow at Harvard, teaching leadership from 2004-2022.

In this episode, Bill reflects on his twenties and early thirties as pivotal learning years, highlighting the value of encountering various leadership styles and environments. He also delved into the subject of risk-taking during his term at the Department of Defense during the Vietnam War, where he learned to challenge established norms and navigate large organizations. This theme of confronting established practices is further explored through his critique of leadership in big corporations, especially referencing Boeing's 737 MAX issues as an example of lacking courage in decision-making. Bill's journey then shifts to his time at Litton Industries, followed by Honeywell and Medtronic.Million Dollar Mastermind with Larry Weidel is handcrafted by our friends over at: