In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews David Allen on his 35-year journey from dissatisfied job-hopping to a well-renowned productivity expert whose principles are applied worldwide. David is a thought leader on productivity and personal management coach based in Amsterdam. In this episode, we break down topics like identifying your projects, prioritizing your list, moving towards completion, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Keeping track of all your “projects” - 17:30 - 20:15

No matter what you call it, a project is something you want to realize in the world

Once you’ve defined a project, identify what you can do to get closer to completing it

Find where you can place a reminder for the next thing that needs to get done

Don’t use your head as your office - it’s probably not organized enough

How to prioritize your projects - 20:30 - 21:30

Put first what would make the biggest difference to you

The more space you can free up from the beginning, the more you will have for everything else

While it may take some reflection, figuring this out will reduce stress and anxiety the fastest

How to identify the next step towards completion - 20:45 - 24:45

Rather than worrying about completion, think of it as moving the needle

If you don’t address the next thing to do, it will keep coming to you when you don’t need it

Any neglected task will take more of your attention than it deserves

Whatever keeps coming to your attention is probably the next thing you should address

How to bring value to David Allen:

GTD success stories and testimonials


Book by David Allen: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

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Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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