In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Cory Binsfield on his path from his first triplex to achieving financial freedom through holding more than 100 units. Cory is a buy and holds BRRR specialist based in Duluth, Minnesota. In this episode, we get into topics like: staying eligible for financing, picking the right lender, avoiding analysis paralysis, and more!

Top Takeaways:

How to make sure you remain eligible for financing - 14:00 - 16:30

The key to continuing expanding is to keep properties cash flowing

As long as you can keep a debt coverage ratio above 1.25 you’re in good shape

Good debt coverage keeps you in the good graces of the banks

How to pick the right lender - 20:00 - 29:00

The larger banks tend to be more rigid in their requirements

Search out banks that specifically work with real estate investors

Smaller or regional banks tend to be more open to flexible loan terms

Small banks also know their area more and care about your investment

How to avoid analysis paralysis - 29:30 - 36:50

While research is important, there are still actions you can take in the meantime

Driving for dollars, contacting brokers, getting preapproved can all be done before your first deal

If you need to run the numbers again to be sure of yourself, do it

How to bring value to Cory Binsfield:

Lender or broker with conventional loans below 4%


Book by John Schaub: Building Wealth One House at a Time: Making it Big on Little Deals

CRM for financial advisors:

Social Links:

Connect With The host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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