In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Dave Van Horn on his journey from a painting contractor to the founder of a multi-million dollar note investment fund. Dave is an advocate of using what you’re good at to expand your opportunities and grow your network. In this episode, we dive into topics such as: setting yourself up for success, scaling your operation, note investing, and more!

Top Takeaways:

How to set yourself up for success early in life - 12:20 - 23:10

Find out what you’re good at

Takes time to figure out, but it’s worth it

Networking - you never know what you’ll learn

Can help you fill gaps in your capabilities

What can you learn that will change your operation in the next 6 to 12 months?

How to scale your operation -  23:20 - 29:30

Find ways to diversify income - multiple streams

Sponsor a meeting - the larger it grows the more opportunities will come your way

Be ready to adapt as the market evolves

Note investing - what is it and how to make money with it - 29:50 - 44:00

Notes are debt - a promise to pay

The benefit of investing in distressed mortgages: available at a discount, high yield, with collateral

Invest in what you know - give yourself an advantage with your knowledge in the space

All you need to start out is be the bank for your friends or family

How to bring value to Dave Vanhorn:

Be aware of their time

Find something that can free up time for them

Maintain a fair exchange


Book by Dave VanHorn: Real Estate Note Investing: Using Mortgage Notes to Passively and Massively Increase Your Income

Social Links:

Connect with the host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind
