In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Savannah Arroyo on her path from discovering BiggerPockets on Youtube to acquiring multiple properties across the country, including a syndication. Savannah, The Networth Nurse, is an out of state investor based in Los Angeles, California. In this episode, we delve into topics like: getting straight into your first remote deal, getting ready to roll on multifamily, finding multifamily mentors, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Diving straight into your first out of state deal - 8:15 - 9:45

Step one is always to evaluate your market and find one that will work for you if home is too much
Evaluate the investing options and choose one that matches your comfort and experience level
Turnkeys are still a great start in the right neighborhood and market

Preparing yourself to make the jump to multifamily - 13:30 - 15:30

As with everything in real estate, education is the first step, because there are differences
If you want to save yourself time, find a mentorship or coaching program to give you a kick
Any way you can find to benefit from the experience of others will push you forward

Finding a mentor specific to multifamily - 15:45 - 21:15

With few connections, the existing programs are a good enough start, but still expensive
The more you network, though, the more opportunities you’ll find for mutual value
Because of all the roles a multifamily deal requires, there are many opportunities to learn and help

How to bring value to Savannah Arroyo:

Check out her social media and share
Bring content campaign skills and reach out


Book by Michael Blank: Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing

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Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind



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