In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Olenka Cullinan on her path from moving to the US and starting a real estate business to developing multiple scaled operations and an in demand consulting business, in addition to multiple programs with the goal of enabling powerful women in business. Olenka is a business and mindset coach based in Arizona. In this episode, we dig into topics like: starting smart in real estate, deciding your strategy right now, balancing education and action, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Getting started with real estate the smart way - 13:15 - 17:15

The first priority has to be to establish your motivation for dealing in real estate

Even if you think you have no useful skills, you will start finding your strengths if you try

Masterminds and coaches can also help you determine which of those skills are the most attractive

Actions you can take right now to find your path - 17:45 - 19:30

Start by asking yourself what drives you until you get the truth - money, success, attention, what

Make it into a tangible goal that you can reach within 6 months and then divide that up

Do a braindump and list out everything you think you need for success - then cut it down

Creating balance between learning and doing - 20:45 - 23:45

There’s no rule that you can’t learn what you need to know while getting your hands dirty

The more you try, the more you’ll figure out what it is you don’t know

Connecting with mentors you can model your strategy on is a good way to get outside input

How to bring value to Olenka Cullinan:

Check out her Executive Women Mastermind

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Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind



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