In this episode, Jonathan interviews Jon Schoeller on his successful Real Estate journey. Jon is always keeping himself busy with the many ventures he is a part of: Real Estate investment business, fitness business, YouTube channel and building his own Real Estate portfolio. He dives into tangible tips and tricks to take action and the importance of being a value add focused person.

Episode Breakdown: 

1) Intro dig in/Strategy: 0-22:58 

2) Getting started/Taking Action 22:59-50:29 

3) Content intake/Time management/Tactics/Tools: 50:30-1:00:58 

4) Wind down: 1:00:59 -1:09:23

Top Takeaways  

Tips for creating content:  

 - Most people are not comfortable getting on camera, but you just have to start  

- Repetition is key to getting more comfortable and natural  

- Record with no intention of posting  

- Record the same thing 10 to 15 times and eventually, you will find one that is post-worthy  

Finding deals today: 

 - Majority of deals are off-market  

- Go to sites like Zillow and look at the ones that have been on the market for 100 plus days 

 - The longer on the market, the easier it is to get a good deal  

- Understand what the resale value is in the neighborhood you are looking at  

- Start knocking on doors and ask people if they are interested in selling their house  

Taking Action:  

- Be a value add person and solve problems for people who don’t have the time to do it themselves 

 - Surround yourself with people who are doing what you want to do 

 - Learning by doing 

 - Start early in your 20’s; Just do it

- Checklists for everything  

Working with Contractors: 

 - Never tell them your budget, because then they will try to get every penny  

- Call multiple contractors to walk through the property and give an estimate 

 - Always pay the contractor for their time  

- Find a contractor who communicates extremely well, timely, respectful and gives recommendations

How to bring value to Jon: 

- Help with marketing and social media. Always looking to boost his presence online


Matt D’Avella YouTube Channel:

Basecamp management tool

Social Links:  

YouTube Channel: 

IG: @thefrugalinvestor  

Company Website: