In this special episode, Jonathan Farber reflects on the first 100 episodes of the Millennial Millionaire Real Estate Podcast. In this episode, we review topics like: reaching financial freedom, finding your support, getting educated efficiently, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Financially freedom is attainable within 5 years - 2:30 - 3:30

Especially the type to listen to a real estate podcast

Housing and transportation are the two largest items for the large majority

Getting rid of them is most of the way there

Very few people can make it without help - 3:30 - 5:00

The large majority of people need a coach or mentor or mastermind to push them through

Failing alone is very demoralizing and leads to quitting in most people

Knowing what type of person you are is more important than being one type or the other

Education doesn’t have to be expensive - 5:15 - 6:00

The incredibly expensive programs and gurus can work, but they’re not necessary

The key to getting valuable education is by trading effort and value

If you need to find ways to add value, listen to what someone says and list what they need


Book by Joe Fairless: Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever

Connect With The host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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