In this episode, Jonathan interviews Juan Pablo Herrera and they discuss how he transformed his hobby of Real Estate into a full-time job. We will go through topics like: How did he get started, Taking action, Coaching/Mentors, Content intake/Time management and how you can add value.


How to successfully balance a corporate job and Real Estate

- Treated Real Estate like a full-time job and had a set structure

- 1 hour before work, 1 hour after work and 8 hours on the weekend

- Discipline at all time even when you don’t feel like it

- Can’t just show up when you feel like it

Taking Massive Action

- Be very specific with what you want

- Make it measurable

- Make it a constant reminder to build motivation

- Keep feeding your mind with knowledge

1)Intro dig in/Strategy: 0:00-20:08

2)Getting started/Taking Action: 20:09-23:27

3)Coaching/mentors: 24:28-34:34

4:Content intake/Time management/Tactics/Tools: 34:35-46:41

5)Wind down: 46:42- 1:01:52

How to bring value to Juan: 

- Podcast help! Someone to assist in formatting and identifying the best platform to put his podcast on 

- Looking for someone who is operationally focused to help with documenting processes and systems 

Social Links: 

YouTube Channel: 100 Percent Financed


Instagram: @100percentfinanced