Previous Episode: Suffer the Little Children

This is a passage of great contrast - a picture of servanthood and a picture of what it is not. If our Savior was a servant - then how do we dare seek a different path------We begin with the amazement of followers - Jesus was resolute - something in the eyes, the walk, the steadfast way Jesus advanced to Jerusalem. He had spoken about His purpose in going there.----Jesus is teaching them - and teaching us - the true nature of love. Sure the disciples had great fondness for Jesus. They had some appreciation of each other. Jesus knew their hearts as He knows ours. We cannot look at this passage without seeing the magnitude of Christ-s love.----Imagine for a moment - you have not heard the story of Jesus. You are hearing it from Him, as it is happening. The betrayal, the mockery, the brutal physical assault, the crucifixion, the death. With each detail, with wide eyes, you ask -Why--- Why not continue this ministry-- Healing, traveling, teaching-- Why the brutality-- Why the cross------Because, says our Savior, because I love you and this is how much. The teaching, the healing, the fellowship, - it would all be for nothing if I left you in your sin. Your debt unpaid. Your punishment untaken. Why-- Because all that made Calvary a horror would be yours if I did not take it. Why-- Because my love, the love of the Father - it is that great-