There is no shortage of resources to assist active-duty Servicemembers and Veterans. It’s more about matching the right resource for the right time in your life.

My guest today is here to talk about OSD, a nonprofit organization encouraging community service and commitment amongst the military community by developing programs for deployments, mental Health, homelessness, and employment.

Glenn Banton is the CEO and executive director of OSD. Many of you might know OSD for bringing “fun where there is no fun” by delivering video games to those deployed, which has been coined recreational therapy.

In this episode, Glenn explains OSD’s mission and how it can help the armed forces plus he explains how OSD’s mission has evolved to meet the needs of Servicemembers and Veterans in their life stages.

This episode has some valuable info for resources of supply drop packages for deployed members, mentorship, employment, and community resources when you get out.

Podcast Links

OSD What’s on Lacey’s Mind What the Heck is EOS? Bullet Journaling

Special Thank You

A special thank you to my sister, Kiely Flanigan for coming on for What’s on Lacey’s Mind.

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I appreciate reviews of the Military Money Show on iTunes, Google Play, TuneIn, iHeart Radio and Stitcher. It helps me make this podcast better and better. Plus it helps other people find the show.


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