People talk about Backdoor IRAs and getting one done, but do you know what they are, who they’re best for, and how to get it done the right way?

In this episode, Brian O’Neill shares the fundamentals of Backdoor Roth IRAs, including how they work, who is eligible, and the steps to set one up. Brian also covers the upsides and potential drawbacks of this approach, and how it fits into a broader retirement savings plan.

Brian is a Certified Financial Planner, a Military Qualified Financial Professional and an Enrolled Agent. He’s the founder of Winged Wealth Management and Financial Planning LLC, a fee-only fiduciary Registered Investment Advisor firm focusing on the military aviator community.

Brian served 23 years in the Air Force, commanding at the squadron and group levels, and flying both the F-16 and F-35. He launched his firm in 2021 and is an expert in focusing on a small niche to grow a practice rapidly.

The show notes can be found here: