One of the major perks of serving in the military is the opportunity to travel and experience different parts of the world. However, deployments and assignments often determine the destinations rather than personal travel bucket lists. But that doesn't mean you can't explore the places you've always dreamed of visiting, and even better, you can do so while saving money thanks to the many financial and travel benefits that come with military service.

In this episode, Chelsey Thomas, a military spouse and founder of Camouflage Perks, shares valuable insights on maximizing travel benefits and perks for military families. With a wealth of firsthand experience, Chelsey has used points and other military travel programs to visit seven countries and countless states across the U.S.

Chelsey walks us through the lesser-known financial perks and travel benefits available to active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. From discounted lodging and airfare to free cruise opportunities, she'll reveal strategies for making the most of your hard-earned military benefits while exploring the world.

The show notes can be found here: