Parenting is not for the faint of heart, especially for military parents. There’s a lot to know and do. That’s why we are bringing in an expert. In today’s episode 14 of the Military Money Movement Podcast, Lacey Langford and Hank Coleman talk with Judy Davis, The Directions Diva and Co-host of The Mighty Parent Podcast. Judy is a military spouse, speaker, entrepreneur, author and all around extraordinary. She is an expert at parenting, stress relief, and teen suicide prevention. As the CEO of DASIUM, a brand leading the way in depression, addiction and suicide prevention, she is passionate about providing programs and resources to families.

In this episode we talk about:

Suicide ideation and prevention Money and stress Leadership and stress Parenting Managing emotions Money tips for success

Game Time

This week’s Game Time we’re playing 20 questions, famous places with Judy. Spoiler alert it’s a landslide.

Resources for Suicide Prevention

If you’re struggling and need help, here are resources for you:

Veteran Crisis Line #Bethere for Veterans and Service members Stop Soldier Suicide Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Podcast Links

Girl Wash Your Face by Thomas Nelson Right Side Up by Judy Davis Warning Signs by Geoffrey and Judy Davis

More About Judy Davis

The Direction Diva DASIUM Mighty Parent Podcast Facebook Twitter

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