Bradley Hart is an assistant professor at Cal State, Fresno and his research focus is far right extremism in the United States. We discussed his latest book on American support for Nazis prior to WWII. 0:47 – Bradley talks about how he got into studying and writing WWII history. Eugenics started in Britain and the…

Bradley Hart is an assistant professor at Cal State, Fresno and his research focus is far right extremism in the United States. We discussed his latest book on American support for Nazis prior to WWII.

0:47 – Bradley talks about how he got into studying and writing WWII history. Eugenics started in Britain and the US especially in California.

2:27 – Bradley talks about his book and the research. His book focuses on various groups that supported the German Nazi party.

5:30 – Bradley talks about the various open and secret ways in which Germany tried to influence US politics.

7:07 – Bradley talks about anti-Nazi Germans in the US. However a lot of US college administrators supported Nazi discussions on campus to communist support.

11:40 – Bradley talks about religious figures that supported the Nazis.

14:24 – Bradley talks about Nazi-ism and occultism especially among the SS.

15:58 – Bradley talks about US military support for the Nazis.

16:55 – Bradley talks about politics affects on US support for the Nazis.

17:50 – Bradley talks about how he did his research and the diaries he came across. British agents spied on Nazis in the US and helped stop them.

24:34 – Bradley mentions which American cities had the most Nazi support.

27:15 – Bradley mentions Hollywood films and Germany. He also talks about how the British viewed the US and support for Nazis.

31:15 – Bradley was surprised at the bipartisan hatred for FDR that he found. He also talks about American and British authors who supported and opposed Nazi thought.

36:06 – Bradley talked about using FOIA to get some documents.

41:45 – Bradley mentions a Hollywood ant-Nazi league that included Hollywood celebrities and movie people. But this league was also backed by the communists.

51:38 – He’s on twitter @drbhart and he has a website at

Links of interest

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Guests: Bradley Hart

Host: Cris Alvarez

Tags: military, history, military history, conflict, war, interview, non-fiction book, WWII, World War Two, Hitler, Germany, Nazi, FDR, United States

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