MHGG’s Fancy Interviews #1

This special episode has our hosts joined once again by David from Time Well Spent Games. This time, however, the questions are gonna be directed towards him as Zach and Adrian TRY and let someone else talk for once. Jeff, The Inquisitor, gets David to open up about how he got his board game online shop, the pros and cons of it already being established, and the ins and outs of this industry from a new retailer perspective.

00:00:30 Introducing the new Fancy Interview series: with David Reed of Time Well Spent Games

00:02:00 Pre-Interview Banter

00:04:26 David' s gaming background

00:09:15 Question 1: What made you decide to buy a boardgame retail website?

00:14:31 Struggles of physical location vs online store

00:17:29 Question 2: What were the challenges/benefits of buying and existing business?

00:24:40 Question 3: What is it like running a boardgame retail website?

00:29:34 Question 4: Competition in the boardgame industry is tough, how do you deal with that?

00:37:22 Question 5: How do you decide what to stock?

00:42:26 Question 6: How do you deal with all the various publishers/distributors?

00:45:14 How much trouble do you have keeping hotness in stock?

00:49:58 Question 7: Have you looked into any specific niches?

00:52:19 Do you carry accessories?

00:53:37 Question 8: Where do you want to take Time Well Spent?

00:57:53 Final Question: What are your plans for the 2017 convention season?