The Gallerist

Our hosts start the episode already off-topic, talking about Logan, before diving into some recently played games. Zach and Jeff tried out Jump Drive, the new game from the creator of Race for the Galaxy, and Adrian introduced his girlfriend, Megan, to Feast for Odin at Heavy Cardboard’s weekly meetup. To finish up, they give some initial impressions on Gloomhaven. Moving on to Kickstarters, Food Truck Champion and Dubai: Rebuild the Ruins are mentioned before bringing up the Eric Lang-inspired elephant in the room, Rising Sun. In News, Cottage Garden is coming to the US, Battlestar Galactica might be leaving, and Le Havre is returning. With the News done, our hosts move onto the Review of the Week, Vital Lacerda’s The Gallerist. Does this game combine euro game design with a well-developed theme into a work of art? Or does its meaning get lost in pretty colors and lines? Find out inside! Results for the intro music poll closes out the show.

00:00:40 Banter! Featuring: The movie Logan, Jump Drive, 3-Dragon Ante, The Grizzled, Dragon & Flagon, Feast for Odin vs The Colonists, and Gloomhaven.

00:31:54 News and Kickstarters:

00:32:09 Munchkin Shakespeare
00:33:15 Food Truck Champion
00:34:19 Dubai: Rebuild the Ruins
00:36:18 Rising Sun by Eric Lang
00:39:58 Stronghold Games bring Cottage Garden to North America
00:41:24 Battlestar Galactica going away?
00:43:08 Le Havre reprint has a street date

00:45:50 MHGG Review: The Gallerist

*Note: During the cost and availability discussion, I said that Gallerist and Vinhos together we're $175 in the Kickstarter, that was wrong. The entire KS for Vinhos, Gallerist, and Lisboa was $195, including shipping.

01:21:33 Episode Wrap Up: Intro/outro music poll, contact info, and sign-off