This week, Zach goes hog wild with some bone darts in KDM, Jeff goes weeb in Middara, and Adrian helps rise the tide in Pandemic Rising Tide.


00:02:20 - What have we been playing?: KDM, Middara, Pandemic Rising Tide, Cockroach Poker, JIME, Karesunsui 00:51:45 - Banter! featuring: Last of Us, Peaky Blinders, Expanse, Improv, Tribs of Midgard 01:12:45 - News: Funagain Distribution Done 01:13:39 - News: Expeditions 01:16:37 - News: Gencon dropping vaccine and mask requirements 01:18:54 - News: Mythic email 01:21:58 - Crowdfunding: Hero Realms Dungeons 01:26:07 - Crowdfunding: Search for the Lost Species

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