The remote sessions continue as Adrian finally gets on TTS, Jeff continues to fill all his time with Blood Bowl, and Zach floated through space.


00:00:35 - Adrian gets lonely 00:01:10 - What have we been playing?: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, MHGG, Root, Marvel Champions 00:13:54 - The Bloody Minute! 00:33:13 - Mid-show Banter Break! Featuring: Legos, Cars, Space Sims, Astroneer 00:55:08 - News: Asmodee pushes all releases a month 00:57:30 - News: Carcassonne Solo Rules 01:02:02 - News: Agricola Revised App 01:05:38 - KS: 1840 Vienna Tramways 01:19:31 - KS: Ankh: Gods of Egypt  01:32:06 - Grey Fox Games For Science Kickstarter still going


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Slack Channel 

